设计趋势|MOSOM墨森设计【琉璃皝宫】、【AEVUM SPA】斩获法国巴黎DNA大奖!

设计报道 2023 / 08 / 01 1394 # 设计趋势新闻




近日,行业内备受关注的全球知名大奖 —— 法国巴黎DNA设计奖公布2023赛事获奖名单,泛美业领域的头部设计公司MOSOM墨森设计荣耀登榜。凭借多元趋变、优雅永恒的“新美力”设计,MOSOM墨森设计的作品【琉璃皝宫】、【AEVUM SPA 万象食家店】斩获法国巴黎DNA设计奖HONORABLE MENTION殊荣。


Recently, the DNA Paris Design Awards, a global renowned award which received much attention from the industry, has announced its 2023 winners. With its "new aesthetic design" that is diverse and elegant, MOSOM DESIGN, a top design company in the pan-beauty industry, has been awarded HONOURABLE MENTION for its works "Glass Palace Spa" and "AEVUM SPA Mixc Store."




Its said that DNA awards has attracted numerous fresh creative designs worldwide. Its known for its globalization, multicultural inclusiveness, and the rigorous evaluation standards by its professional jury. The two winning entries of MOSOM DESIGN have demonstrated its strength in the pan-beauty field and commercial design, receiving professional recognition on a global scale once again.














AEVUM SPA 万象食家店】官方获奖证书










DNA Paris Design Awards,源起于艺术之都 —— 法国巴黎,是为创意思考者和创造者设立的全新设计奖,旨在表彰设计行业的丰富性,并表彰前沿和具有远见卓识的创意人才。


Originating from Paris, France - the City of Art, the DNA Paris Design Awards is set for creative thinkers and creators, and works to honor the design community and cutting-edge, visionary creative talents.






JURY of 2023






The Jury of DNA






DNA Paris Design Awards的评审委员会,由致力于真正卓越设计的设计师、编辑和创意人员组成,对来自国际建筑师和设计师的建筑设计、室内设计、景观设计、平面设计和产品设计等学科的创新设计作品进行表彰。获奖者将获得全球媒体曝光、网站、新闻通讯和社交媒体网络向国际观众展示获奖作品等福利。


Its jury, composed of designers, editors and creatives committed to true excellence in design, strive to recognize innovative design works by architects and designers from all over the world in the fields of architectural design, interior design, landscape design, graphic design and product design. Winners will benefit from global media exposure, with their winning entry promoted to international audiences through websites, press releases and social media networks.












Glass Palace Spa








In Glass Palace Spa, MOSOM DESIGN with a focus on researching new aesthetic powerhas emerged from design itself. It centers on spatial aesthetics and scenario emotions & brand operation under the strategic thinking of space is brand, scene is marketing, with efforts made to create a complex quality space that unifies aesthetics, emotional value and commercial integration. In the hustle and bustle of the city, this place is like an island where life is at rest. Its such simple and elegant objects like carbon grey walls, dark brown woods and waving candlelight that convey the true state of life and make people mentally relaxed.
















Project Name: Glass Palace Spa

Project Address: Guangzhou, China

Project Area: 320

Design firm: MOSOM DESIGN

Design Director: Zhongchen Jin

Design team: Xiu Ting, Guo Shihao, Cui Cui

Photography: Hanmo Vision













AEVUM SPA 万象食家店】

Aevum·SPA Mixc





AEVUM SPA 万象食家店,借势市中心“商业新物种”的辐射力而触达更多消费客群,实现时尚生活新美力的优雅蜕变。设计师以市场需求、客群品位来推导「新美力」设计,实现奢华而优雅的场景氛围,将有温度的品牌价值传递给每一个人。至简纯白成为品牌调性的载体,自然的张力,隐奢的气质,优雅的魅力,涵容着万物之美。在沉浸式的体验情景中,空间无形渲染的身份品味、品牌辨识度与产品品质,伴着柔和的光影而触动人心。


AEVUM SPA Mixc Store leverages the influence of the "new commercial product" in the city core to reach more consumer groups and achieve the elegant transformation of the new beauty of stylish living. The designers rely on market demands and customer tastes to guide the "new aesthetic power" design, to achieve a luxurious and elegant scene atmosphere, and to deliver warm brand values to everyone. The simple and pure white become the carrier of the brand's tone, while natural tension, hidden luxury aura, and elegant charm encompass the beauty of all things. In the immersive experience scenario, the space's invisible rendered identity, brand recognition and product quality touch peoples heart accompanied by soft light and shadow.
















Project Name: Aevum·Shenzhen Mixc

Project Address: Shenzhen, China

Project Area: 260

Design firm: MOSOM DESIGN

Design Director: Zhongchen Jin

Design team: Xiu Ting, Guo Shihao, Wang Jun














Founded in Shenzhen by the famous designer Mr. Zhongchen Jin with a global outlook, MOSOM DESIGN specializes in researching new aesthetic power. Engaged in the professional design of beauty clubs,luxury housing and offices, it strives to provide clients with integrated solutions like business consultant in beauty industry, space design, lighting design and soft decoration design.


多年来,基于对泛美业的全方位深入洞察、研究与实践,MOSOM墨森设计提出“多元趋变,优雅永恒”的核心理念,发挥“空间即品牌,场景即营销”的前端策略思维,聚焦商业的高频认知与高效变现,为设计之外的附加值而不断创造。在设计中,我们横向考量客户的投入成本与回报周期,纵深剖析建筑结构、材质美学、业态逻辑、商业坪效、品牌运营等因素,将空间从严密的整体拆解为有机的个体,整合上下游资源并有效缩短从概念设计到商业落地之间的节点,促进回报效率与商业产值的最大化,最终呈现出功能、美学与情感价值统一的复合态空间精品 —— 风格多元、气质优雅。


Over the years, based on the all-round in-depth insight, research and practice of pan-beauty industry, MOSOM DESIGN has put forward the core concept of diversified change, elegance until eternity, and given play to the front-end strategy thinking of space is brand, scene is marketingwith a focus on the high-frequency cognition and efficient realization of business. With these efforts, the value-added beyond design is constantly being created. In the design, we consider the input cost and return cycle of clients horizontally, while analyzing architectural structure, material aesthetics, business logic, commercial economic benefits and brand operation vertically. Efforts have been made to turn a strict whole into organic units, integrate upstream and downstream resources and effectively shorten the nod from conceptual design to commercial landing. This is how we maximize return efficiency and business output value, finally presenting a quality complex space that combine function, aesthetics and emotional value -- with diversified styles and elegant demeanor.