设计趋势 | 浆果设计研究所荣获 2022LICC英国伦敦国际创意大赛终选大奖Finalist!

设计报道 2023 / 03 / 23 1053 # 设计趋势新闻


London International Creative Competition(LICC) 英国伦敦国际创意大赛是艺术设计类国际知名奖项之一,由来自Farmani Group的两位艺术家Launa Bacon和Hossein Farmani于2006年所推出。LICC致力于发现和表彰全球艺术和设计方面杰出人才,鼓励创新,在全球范围内推介取得卓越成就的艺术家和设计师。LICC伦敦国际创意大赛作为全球指标性设计赛事,竞争十分激烈,能在其中脱颖而出获得奖项,不仅是顶尖设计水平的证明,获奖者也将成为国际业界及传媒的焦点。



As one of the most prestigious international awards in the art and design category, London International Creative Competition(LICC) is the brainchild of two artists, Launa Bacon and Hossein Farmani, for Farmani Group introduced in 2006. It’s committed to recognizing and rewarding outstanding talent in art and design around the world, while encouraging innovation and recommending worldwide artists and designers who have made great achievements. In such a global and highly competitive design contest , the award winners not only can demonstrate their excellence in design, but also will become the focus of international industry and media.



浆果设计研究所作品「The X Macallan Bar」斩获终选大奖Finalist!据介绍,本年度赛事-室内设计类别仅有20名Finalist得主。此外,「茉里·璞玉」、「茉里·山水」均荣获本赛事官方提名。


The X Macallan Bar from Jingle Design has won the finalist in Decorate (interior) ! According to the official website, there are 20 finalists in the discipline of professional/ Decorate (interior). In addition, both Moli·Puyu and Moli· Landscape have won the official selection.



 Winning Project




The X Macallan Bar





了却繁琐,消弭距离,没有局限,The X Macallan Bar塑造的场景,完美地还原了想象中的饮酒情境,导演了一曲绝对沉浸的复古旋律,创造一个都市节奏之外的空间。古典的、异域的、温暖的、微醺的设想在阵列的酒桶下永续风格。“如果能够把材料本身运用到极致,就没有必要添加纹样来修饰。装饰美是一种附加美,而材质美是本源的美感。”抛却了多余的装饰,庞大的空间骨骼带着原始的雕塑美感,细致端详过后,会发现无论是天花的粗糙肌理,还是实木横梁,皆是以材质打动人心。


Without trivialities, distance and limitation, the design for the X Macallan Bar perfectly interprets a scene of drinking whisky, composes a melody of classic style, and creates an immersive space beyond the hustle and bustle of city life. Classical, exotic, warm, and slightly intoxicated sentiments perpetuate under an array of barrels. "There is no need to add some patterns to the material if it can be used fully and skillfully, since decorative beauty is additional and artificial, while the beauty of materials is natural and original.” Without redundant decoration, it presents the original sculptural beauty of the huge space. Its details, whether it is the rough texture of the ceiling or the solid wood beam, will touch people’s heart with the pureness of materials.




Aimed to provide an immersive experience, the designers employ leather sofa and wooden grating as well as a touch of brilliant orange, creating a space that embraces people’s emotions and thoughts and shelters them from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.


 Current Jury








 Zhou BO & Cai Yuyang




浆果 Jingle Design



Jingle Design Institute was founded in 2016 by two pioneering designers, Zhou Bo and Cai Yuyang, with offices in Shanghai and Shenyang respectively. The team is committed to " achieving spatial aesthetics with business logic; creating amazing experiences continuously".Jingle Design provides holistic professional services, from business positioning and planning, space design to soft furnishings and installation art, which help to create sustainable value for commercial brands.




With the brand concept of "making commercial spaces vibrant", Jingle Design constantly explores the possibilities in commercial spaces and interactive experiences. As directors of spatial experiences and lifestyle opinion leaders, the Jingle team overturns the past to present more cutting-edge design. Their work covers diverse commercial spaces, including boutique hotels, resort spas, food and beverage retail spaces, beauty clubs and showroom designs, which allow the space to be both aesthetically and experientially satisfying.




